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Category Archives: Challenge pursuit 2014

he vanished at lunch time, the last things his friend wrote was brb.

John waited and waited , an hour past but Mike did not return.

Wherehad he gone?

Had split in the fabric of time opened up and swallowed him take him back to the time of Roman Empire?

John  Googled  the web.. and he found  that In 383 the General Magnus Maximus rose up in revolt against Gratian. The power sharing agreement that followed Maximus’s victory would be negotiated in part by St. Ambrose, the influential new Bishop of Milan.

MY GOD !!! he  exclaimed was that Mike?

He checked wiki- there was an image of a coin from the period. It was  him the profile matched almost exactly..

Right so I fell asleep last night so forgot to post this :


The world was a busy place, everyone had something to do to occupy themselves whether it was  work, free time or sleeping . Well when I say all that is not completely true as  Dennis woke up , he checked his alarm and said “Bollox! I am late.. Again this phone cannot  keep  the time at all.”

Throwing his legs over the edge of the bed and stretching  his body and arms out. He lent down grabbed his slippers, putting them on his feet, he stood and strode to the open bedroom door. Grabbing his thick   dressing gown as he went.


Dennis  put the robe on as he walked down the stairs, the faint bump bump sound could be heard from the hall, he reached the bottom and Toby his black Tan german shepard was  happliy waiting  for him,  he patted toby on the head and walked to the back door with a sharp whistle, Toby ran out the door.


The WPC in the back of the ambulance said “come on sweetheart, we need to get you into hospital  to be checked over”


The world was a busy place, everyone had something to do to occupy themselves whether it was  work, free time or sleeping . Well when I say all that is not completely true as  Dennis woke up , he checked his alarm and said
