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Category Archives: LodgeVisit

Only three para left I think 🙂 

So last year Wayne and I paid a visit to Start George’s lodge in Warwickshire.

The first part is on open lodge. 

Second part is currently 335 words in.

The day had been a good one the four brothers had made it to the infamous house of the last vampires.  It was a derlect building, with three car parks. Yet no one used the first two. 

They parked the car under the sacred yew tree, the wizard of the group proclaimed it would be safe due to the watcher of the shire. 

They set of to the chapel of Mary Magdalene, passing under a giant arch. Was it built by the nephim? Who could say!!!

Cutting short due to battery life

The festive board was laid out in the usual manner, top table and three legs. The WM placed his hand on my shoulder and directed me to the SW leg. 

“Here sit with these members they will keep you entertained. This is Jim he is a pontential joing member!! ”

Thus was start of a new adventure, but first question time?

Are you mason? 

Where’s your lodge?

What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?

If St John was not a baptist what would his chosen profession have been?
Like a robot or cleverly rehearsed monkey I rattled of the answers:

No, your Tyler was poor. So I stabbed him with his own sword. Mwhahahah.

Chester, on the Moon.

African or European?

Ah New York Bestseller author, no wait that’s the other John. It is the Black Knight!

Wake up Pete!

What ?

Pete you still in Ibiza !

Sorry ? But I am married with kids! No you took a pill when we got to the nightclub and have been talking to a cactus for 3hrs.

No way!

Yep, Mike Posner was on the door handing them out.


As 2014 draws to close it is time to review the year as it is, as it was. Reflecting on life that has been led by me in my Pete-centric universe. Read More »