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Category Archives: Cult

So what was the challenge,  to complete 5 tasks in the last 5 months of the year. Imaginely titled  “The Five Month Dash”

So what were these challenges well:

1. Movehouse
2. build dog area & sort back garden
3. Prepare for November
4. Decide on LAdies evening stuff
5. Complete 3rd Ritual
6. Complete Short Story
7. Sort our Exercsie Regime and stick to it
8. Sort pension out
9. draft dojo notes into one area
10. Review Blog and other sites  and move all together into one

So this started from the 1st August to 31st December 2013

What did I manage?

1. Move house
2. build dog area & sort back garden
3. Prepare for November
4. Decide on LAdies evening stuff
5. Complete 3rd

As the plan was to complete 5 then I declare it a success!!

Next job plan 2014’s Challenges.

The room was set up for the challenge,  against one wall was  bob. Taking the flat  of the wall as your 12, he was at 9 and the punch bag was at 2.

From  bob at 7 was a target, from target 1, two was at three about 2metres away then the final target was 5m.

The plan:
Eye Jab
Cover & Step off Cross
Upper elbow , positon 2 double tap to pelvic girdle.
Take off  single hand 4 double tap.

Explanation done, the line begins the waiting. The voice starts again, why ? Who has a gun? You don’t! First one finishes, second man up. Buzzer goes, eye jab, cover step of cross, shield, pop , clothes shot, scramble to clear clothing, gun jammed.


he panicking now, magazine clear goes wrong, drops mag, fumbles for spare drops,


Is heard continuously,  louder and down his ear.
He steps of and back, punching the target.
Turns , rolls and comes up with knife from back throws sticks in.

“Different! Next”

He arrived in the cul-de-sac  and there was already a British Gas van  in the street.
He thought, well typical dispatch, not checking the system. Pulling up to the side of the road,  he gets out of the van, straightened up  his collar and grabbed the toughbook out the back of the van.

Turning away from the van he walked up the drive towards the big Oak door. His hand went to his pocket finding the van keys, he clicked the bottom button,  the vehicles indicators flash twice. Smiling he whistles as he walks to the big door.

Knockknock knock knock

(Footsteps heard walking to the door)

The door opened a slightly, and a voice said “Yes?”

“Hello I have come to check your gasmeter?”

“Oh, yes I remember now, do come in.”

The man walked in and the door was closed behind him. The man worked in and the door was closed behind him. He heard the lock being closed and the bolt being drawn across.  He followed the man down the dark hall.

Roads are amazing and wonderful things. Sometimes they  are physical sometimes mental, metaphysical, concepts. But all lead somewhere, whether good or bad, happiness or sadness.

“All Roads lead to Rome” they used to say  but not if you turn left a Alberkerkey.


This road was an old road, it led from the there to …


Well that just it no one knew, many had started on the path. “But few returned to the sun lit lands” Sorry wait that’s a different story, I got hoodwinked again. The old mind is not what it once was, to many tales, myths and stories that I know.


Some are about Great Kings and Heroes, some about Daemons and Gods, Aliens perhaps! Or the Most High – Bingo.  Yet again I am of on another road. Not the one I started but a left a the lights and a awaiting for my old pal Ethel the Aardvark  to go Quantity Surveying.

Ooops , sorry.

So Great Kings – “well once a king and queen of Narina always a …” Bullocks thats not even my story. Lets try a an old Ninja trick, and not the choking  a chicken one, the other one but the Shihan change not the original.











Breathe,  so this road  was difficult to find  but once  found and you started on the path, well you have to see it through or well you know the other option.

The road as it begins starts by the pub called “Moon & Star”.  This is an old building said to be built from neolithic henge, the  heel stone is still in place. If you tap it with the right knocks when the Moon and Star are full well then that is when to begin.

First day back in the office today, and it was a bit of  IT nightmare but there you have it. Work appears to be fine and not to much drama haf happen. Nothing like going to holiday when  I worked at CCGS.

But back to today’s  creativity, whilst uploading some stuff from the the parks sites.
