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Category Archives: Others

As I walked home from the office tonight, over the magical bridge towoards the tram stop.

And just to prove  i am not on drugs:








I heard a strange sound, it was almost familar  and then it appeared .

I walked round the front , and knocked on it ,

  then there was some noise  and I heard a latch turn  and then He  appeared !!!!

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Hello and happy new year.  OK so I have been a poor blogger of recently!!1

So after a year of playing what job I am supposed to be doing, I dipped my toe in the water and found a new one, in Salford, about 8mins from the new BBC offices. So I was looking  forward to driving my 3008 to and from Manchester with the idea to relocate to Lancashire.

So  in my last week,  my lovely wife drops me off to work and heads over to the out in-laws to pick up Henry. About 30mins later my phone goes and poor H has be in an accident.

She is fine but the car is not so well 🙁

I ask one of the old guard to give us a lift up there and The Biddy was generous enough to drop me off.  The T junction was beginning to get congested, so i combat rolled out the car (no i didn’t) and legged it down the road towards H . As I continued down the road a Police spend passed.

When I got to the crash site, both cars where of the road, H was a shock up, so I let the in-laws know ….  the Police help out and I manage to get a left of them back to the office, although they wouldn’t put the lights on or siren 🙁 But at least on Marked Well!!


3008 - bang


Well that was about 2 weeks ago..

Last Friday, H was informed that the senior engineer had decided that the was no life left in the 3008. So this meant the pool car would be taken back and sadly my environmental friends we are definatly a 2 car family. Saturday we had the sad job of emptying it :

Therefore our usual weekend trip to Chadderton was done but rather it being Henry got left behind I was, but in this instance it just me and the Cat.

So waking up Monday morning ready  to become a commuter , so i done my scarf and gloves and hiking boots. An marched to Mills hill train station, thinking the train was a at 7:17.

It was not …

 So as I read the electronic board, and it says next train 7:26  exp 7:38 time 7:15

7:30 –  exp 7:40 and everytime  it got close it added 2 mins to the expected time. Eventually  it arrived  and dispite being the first one on the platform I  had to fight for my place on this overly crowd, and standing to way to close to people that is not right, but I got to Victoria Station fine, got on the metro link  and its like being in London…


Ok it is not underground and I did actually have to go to work. But I was like a little kid on a train.

When I finally got of the tram all you can see is BBC sign and a cool bridge.




So life although away from home,  is like  being in a Winter Wonderland.

OK, I have have now found time to do the review .. So first Cut & Paste the old then edit….

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Happy New Year,

I have been around and about these past few weeks, but where and what?

Xmas was spent with the parents and the H.
New year was spent drinking and eating with Dr Mylett and his other half and some new friends Phil and Hannah. The night was spent laughing at each others dancing ability on the kinnect or singing.

I found out I am good at singing along with Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice.

Since then I have been joining the white van Drivers.

The Tour has included:

But we’ll get to that later this week, so this post will change. 🙂

Take care I am off for a kip.