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Tag Archives: duck

Well tis alomst the end of a short week.. so what can it be said well… I have aquired some new gadgets this Week. I now have the 02 XDA mini 🙂 and laptop… will really its more for the Dragon’s use but as she has now cancelled her ADSL… its minesis all mineis :¬P . So that means my plan to take over the know universe can begin.

Oh suripsed my self yesterday(Wednesday) by having the frame of mind to do some gardening, which is great cos its means i may be becoming more house proud. So tonight the lawn will be cut and the hedge finished, so that will mean if weather is good i can start looking at the back garden. Must also do the last 2 paints of coat in the bedroom as well.

Last weekend was great fun, went down to see one of my best mates from Uni.. As there was a BBQ on, so Dragon and I went down Friday night. Saturday was spent getting food for the bbq and watching the GP qualify then due to the rain played on th PS2 and continually chucking the ball at / past the dog.

For tea, we hit oxford, which was very nice, Due to the fact we missed there engagement party we bought them Dinner which due to cost was less than I was expecting.

The BBQ was fun on sunday, as Greg and Emma, Bob and Rachael also turned up so lots of drinking and eating.

Monday was a nice leisurely drive north once more. Poor old Dragon had again a rum deal of her SFS but then could we have excpeted anything differen?? perhaps but it didn’t wreck the weekend.

Out much to report? Well no not really life is bumbling along happy enough..

Will leave you with one thought though:
